ARCTIC SPLEEN Piergiorgio Casotti documentario - 13 ' - Italia, 2010

Arctic Spleen


Regia: Piergiorgio Casotti.
Foto: Piergiorgio Casotti.
Riprese: Piergiorgio Casotti, Alvin Graziano.
Montaggio: Maresa Lippolis.
Musica: Sundance Capoeira, Massimo Zamboni.
Mix: Carlo LIcenziato.

East Greenland has the highest suicide rate among young people - 25% of women and 17% of men between 15 and 25 years old attempt suicide every year.

“I try to have fun...but sometimes I cannot smile”.
She told me this few days before I left Tasiilaq and in its simplicity I found that so powerful and revealing. It was probably the essence of it all, the essence of greenlandics youth. She is 16 now and she can’t remember how many times she tried to commit suicide. “Five, maybe ten” she says. “The first time I was twelve... a knife... I was trying to get it through my heart... my brother stopped me”.
Her story didn’t surprise me as it is all but different from many other kids in town. Suicide here is different from everywhere else in the world. It doesn’t relate to a single person but it is embedded in the society, in its blood. Kids grow up and metabolize it just like they learn how to speak. Instinctively like breathing, irrational.
“I want a better life”. “What is it?” and always the same answer “I don’t know”. They don’t think about the future because they cannot see how a different future could be like. Around them only signs of the past and the scaring “now”. No jobs, a lot of boredom.

Arctic Spleen è anche una performance di 30', con Massimo Zamboni (voce, canto, chitarra e basi) su immagini di Piergiorgio Casotti.
Per info:

ARCTIC SPLEEN AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGES SO FAR "Arctic Spleen" won the video category at the PDN PHOTO ANNUAL 2011competition.
Read / watch more here

Los Angeles Times featured "Arctic Spleen" video in the "Best of the Web" section. Check it out here

"Arctic Spleen" web documentary will be screened at the following film festivals:
- 14th CINEMAMBIENTE Environmental Film Festival in Turin: June 5 at 6.30 pm.

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Il modo di vivere qui è così diverso dall'Europa o dall'America.
Sopravvivere in questa zona artica per 2 - 3 - 6 mila anni questo è qualcosa di cui essere veramente fieri.
Oggi puoi andare a caccia e se non torni, beh c'era una ragione per questo.
In un certo modo la vita arriva facilmente, la vita se ne va facilmente è come la tempesta e la quiete, la tempesta e la quiete va e viene, e tu sei solo un piccolo pezzo e non ci puoi far niente.